Friday, July 27, 2012

DIY Colored Liquid Eyeliner

Broken eyeshadows? Don`t throw them! You can transfer your broken eyeshadows on a small container and use them to make your own colored liquid eyeliner! Here`s how.:)

All you need is your broken pigments (mine is in aqua) and eyedrops.

Put some small amount of your choice of pigment on a small plate or on any palette where you can mix makeup like old CDs and jar caps. Add 2 to 3 drops of eyedrops. Mix and blend the mixture well using an eyeliner brush. Try to achieve a thick but watery consistency.

Test the color you made at the back of your hand. If the mixture is too thin, you can add more of the powdered pigment. If its still powdery when you apply it, add more eyedrops to adjust and achieve the consistency you want.

When you achieve your desired color and consistency, you can of course try it on your lash lines!  I was too excited to try my own colored liquid eyeliner and didnt even bothered to do the rest of my makeup! LOL!  So yeah, my face looks so crap `cause im not even wearing any foundation nor concealer!;P Covered the rest of my face on the pics when I used the camera flash, so you wont be scared!;P dahahaha!:D


  1. I was just looken up ways to make liquid eyeliner and i ran across this. I'm defiantly tryen it.

    1. You can also use a clear primer instead of water to have a longer lasting DIY colored eyeliner!:) Have fun!:D♥
